Thursday, November 30, 2023

Difference between 'struct' and 'typedef struct' in C++


In C++ there is a subtle difference between.
struct Foo { ... };
typedef struct { ... } Foo;

In C++ there are few types of identifiers. 
  • Constants 
  • Variables 
  • Functions 
  • Labels 
  • Defined data types 

 These identifiers are stored in different namesapces. If someone write following, he would get an compiler error.
struct Foo { ... }; Foo x;

That is because Foo is stored only in namespace for defined data types. 
So, everytime you need to declare an object of Foo, you need to write struct Foo x;

But with following code Foo will be defined in namesapce for variables .
struct Foo { ... };
typedef struct Foo Foo;

In short, It can be written as follows.
typedef struct Foo { ... } Foo;

So with typedef we can create objects with Foo x;
So we dont have to use struct Foo x; pattern every time we create an object of Foo.

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